Andrew Melder

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A reminder to be thankful


I wasn’t going to write any posts about 9/11. Being an Australian who wasn’t directly affected by the tragedy, I didn’t feel worthy to write anything on the subject. But after viewing a video shared by Robert Scoble on Google+, I felt compelled to write the following comment:

“Even though I'm on the other side of the world and not directly affected by the tragedy, the images and sounds of what I saw on the news that day are still etched in my memory. There was an uneasy silence the next day at my college, nobody knew what to say but everyone felt that the world had lost a little of it's innocence.

Now with a beautiful wife and being a recent father to a son, these images are hitting me harder now than ever before. So many families left without fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. I spent today enjoying the day with my family and letting them know as much as I can how much I love them.

I do this everyday, but today I feel particularly grateful.”