Andrew Melder

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Thoughts on social media, democracy and the true source of the problem

A healthy democracy is fuelled by reasoned, respectful discussions

Social media is structured for debates, not discussions

Debates are one side versus another, fuelling a desire to be right

The desire to be right takes over from reason

Reason allows us to recognise the world doesn’t work in black and white, but many shades of grey

The result of which is extreme views are amplified, but voices of reason get lost in the stream

All of which would be of limited impact if media journalism didn’t follow suit

Traditional media now promotes debates instead of discussion

In doing so, they help validate and amplify the extreme views of the minority

The platforms for discussions are gone

Discussions are extinct, and a healthy democracy is breaking down

How do we fix it?

Do we regulate social media and traditional media to promote more objective content?


Regulation only ensures the entrenched, large established companies continue to dictate the narrative in the future by raising the administrative barrier for new media to emerge

It won’t promote reasoned discussions as companies are only driven by profit

Social media and traditional media companies only promote the extremes because we click/watch/read/respond to it

Which makes them more money

Only a collective change in our behaviour can influence real change

We try to look at others to blame for the breakdown of democracy

The problem is us