Auto-generated description: A sunset over a silhouette of trees with a streetlight in the foreground.

As the sun sets on 2024, I find myself wanting to attempt a 365 photo project again. Yes, again means I’ve tried and failed miserably in the past. Pretty confident I’m not alone on this.

With the expansion of the open social web in the past year, it occurred to me that the lowest friction way of doing this would be just posting via a hashtag on your existing open social service of choice.

Personally, the benefit for me is by hosting my blog on and cross-posting to Mastodon/Bluesky from there; I’m also able to keep a page for my 365 project on my own site as well.

Follow or join in with your own 365 project in 2025 on the Fediverse or Bluesky through #365in25