It’s a simple question that can get quite complex depending on the context on which it is being asked.
The context I’ve often find myself asking this question about is around my photography and why I do it. I’m not a professional photographer, looking to either make it into a profession or a desire to tell a story to the world. There’s no passion, purpose or project behind anything I photograph; no matter how much I’ve tried to come up with one in the past.
A photography podcast I listen to, The Photowalk by Neale James, has focused on this question a lot over the last few years with the various guests of his show. He’s even created a digital photo book around the subject.
With his guests and their extraordinary stories and achievements, it is unsurprising that many are driven by a passion; either to tell the story of others they encounter, places they love, or a subject they are personally impacted by.
However, it is also equally noticeable how many often come up with a similar theme around why they are photographers; which is variations of “because it’s just what I do”.
No goals to influence the world narrative on a topic, or somehow becoming rich and famous as a result. No passion project or specific reason for their photography; just because it is what they do.
Much in the same way I’ve landed on a similar point in my professional career at the moment, I’ve come to the same point in my photography as well. I can’t tell you why I do it, and I don’t have any specific goals or desires around it; only to keep making photos and enjoy the process while doing it.
Annoyingly, much like my professional career, I still hope to find a purpose or defined passion for this somewhere down the line. Until then, I have to mainly focus on not being restrictive in what I can and can’t do personally.
A popular term for this in the personal development world is to have an open mindset instead of a closed mindset. To believe that you can if you put in the effort and learn, rather than defaulting to believing you can’t.
Given my naturally pessimistic nature and tendency for low self worth; this is something I’m actively looking to work on over 2025.