Andrew Melder

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Christmas Eve

It’s that time of the year again; Christmas Eve. I once again find myself filled with utter gratitude and blessings for the life I have. A wonderful wife who actually seems to love me, kids who are smart, clever and kind, in-laws who I get along with and are able to spend the holidays with us, a secure roof over our heads and so much more.

As such my mind always thinks about those who aren’t as lucky as I am during this period. While I’ve always had people around and a place to live, I’ve had some times in my life where this time of year triggered massive bouts of depression.

Thankfully I’ve never felt so low that I’ve attempted something drastic; but I shudder to think the times where those thoughts started creeping in occasionally. My thoughts are with those who are going through such struggles at this time.

There’s not much more I can say here. Please reach out to anyone, whether its loved ones or specialised services available in your area, if you are feeling the pain this Christmas. I’ll end this with a seasons greeting I heard recently which I liked:

Wishing you all a merry and happy Christmas. And if you are struggling with things right now, may you have a peaceful Christmas.